
GET api/archers?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all archers. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

GET api/archers?id={id}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists archer data by the provided id in GUID format. For example class_id will list all archer records with that class id.

POST api/archers

Adds an archer to the database.

PUT api/archers?archer_id={archer_id}

Updates an archer in the database given the archer_id of the archer

DELETE api/archers?archer_id={archer_id}&retain_club_records={retain_club_records}

Deletes an archer from the database. The archer is defined by the archer_id


GET api/awards?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all awards. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

POST api/awards

Adds an award to the database.

PUT api/awards?award_id={award_id}

Updates an award in the database given the unique id of the award

DELETE api/awards?award_id={award_id}

Deletes an award from the database. The category is defined by its unique id

GET api/Awards?filter_id={filter_id}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists awards filtered by the provided id in GUID format. For example class_id will list all awards with that class id.


GET api/awardslist?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all available awards. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

POST api/awardslist?award={award}

Adds an award to the master list.

PUT api/awardslist?award_id={award_id}&award={award}

Updates an award in the master list given the unique id of the award

DELETE api/awardslist?award_id={award_id}

Deletes an award from the master list. The award is defined by its award_id


GET api/categories?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all categories.

POST api/categories

Adds a category to the master list.

PUT api/categories?category_id={category_id}

Updates a category in the database given the category_id of the category

DELETE api/categories?category_id={category_id}

Deletes a category from the database. The category is defined by its category_id


GET api/classes?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all classes.

POST api/classes

Adds a new bow class to the database.

PUT api/classes?class_id={class_id}

Updates a bow class in the master list given the class_id of the bow class

DELETE api/classes?class_id={class_id}

Deletes a single bow class from the database. The bow class is defined by its unique class_id


GET api/classifications?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all classifications. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

GET api/classifications?id={id}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all classifications filtered by the provided id in GUID format. For example class_id will list all classifications with that class id.


DELETE api/clubrecords?record_id={record_id}

Deletes a single club record from the database. The score record is defined by its record_id

GET api/clubrecords?filter_id={filter_id}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists club records filtered by the provided id in GUID format. For example class_id will list all club records with that class id.

GET api/clubrecords?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all club records. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

POST api/clubrecords

Adds a club record to the database.

PUT api/clubrecords?record_id={record_id}

Updates a club record in the database given the unique record_id of the score record


GET api/currentclassifications?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists current classifications. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

GET api/currentclassifications?id={id}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists current classifications filtered by the provided id in GUID format. For example class_id will list all current classifications with that class id.


GET api/currenthandicaps?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists current handicaps. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

GET api/currenthandicaps?id={id}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists current handicaps filtered by the provided id in GUID format. For example class_id will list all current handicaps with that class id.


GET api/handicaps?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all handicaps. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

GET api/handicaps?id={id}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all handicaps filtered by the provided id in GUID format. For example class_id will list all handicaps with that class id.


GET api/lookups/rounds

Lists all available round values used to retrieve handicaps and classifications

GET api/lookups/classes

Lists all available class values used to retrieve handicaps and classifications

GET api/lookups/categories

Lists all available category values used to retrieve classifications


GET api/rounds?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all rounds.

POST api/rounds

Adds a round to the master list.

PUT api/rounds?round_id={round_id}

Updates a round in the master list given the round_id of the round

DELETE api/rounds?round_id={round_id}

Deletes a single round from the database. The round is defined by its round_id


GET api/scores?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all score records. Maximum 1000 records per page. Specify desired page {pageNumber}and number of records per page {pageSize}. Number of pages is returned in headers.

GET api/scores?id={id}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all score records filtered by the provided id in GUID format. For example class_id will list all score records with that class id.

POST api/scores

Adds a score to the database.

PUT api/scores?record_id={record_id}

Updates a score record in the database given the unique id of the score record

DELETE api/scores?record_id={record_id}

Deletes a single score record from the database. The score record is defined by its record_id


GET api/seasons?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all seasons.


GET api/settings

Lists settings


GET api/types?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Lists all types.

POST api/types?type={type}

Adds a type to the database.

PUT api/types?type_id={type_id}&type={type}

Updates a type in the database given the type_id of the type

DELETE api/types?type_id={type_id}

Deletes a single type from the database. The type is defined by its unique type_id